These characters have been painted following the Character Design Challenge's monthly prompts, you can find the themes under each painting.
Many of these received awards, either "Winner of the Month", "Honorable Mention" or "Bests of the Month". I didn't include them all, to keep the selection more consistent.

Amanita phalloïdes and her Exsudoporus mount - CDC "Mushroom fighter"

Tiny Timmy and the Army of Snails - CDC "Mouse Warrior"

Anthophila, the Queen Bee Fairy - CDC "Fairies Kingdom"

A nest of Pikachu - CDC "Pokemon"

A nest of Charmander - CDC "Pokemon" (I didn't enter this one)

Dancing Mad (17th Century Kefka Palazzo) - CDC "Final Fantasy"

The Cheese Traders - CDC "Baroque Aristocracy"

"Boh has a drone" - CDC "Spirited Away"

The Guardian - CDC "Alebrijes"

Lady Lemon Pie - CDC "Candy People"

The Escape Artists - CDC "Kabuki"

Jimbat is a good guy - CDC "Doctors and Nurses"

Neanderthal Shaman - CDC "Caveman"

The One-Eyed Shadow - CDC "Ninja Cat"

She's on fire - CDC "Carnival of Brazil"

Sif - CDC "Norse Gods"

Dodomeki - CDC "Yōkai and Kami"

Fuchur, the Luck Dragon - CDC "Neverending Story" 

Reaching for the moon  - CDC "Fox adventurer"

"The Veil" - CDC "Ghosts and Poltergeist"

Galaxy ghost - CDC "Ghosts and Poltergeist" (additional version)

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